Günther Rabl - Odyssee
€6.00 - €12.00
Günther Rabl - Odyssee
€6.00 - €12.00
computer music (1991-92)
commission for the Austrian pavillion at the EXPO 92, Sevilla
flute motives by Martina Cizek
original sources : hd 16bit 32kHz 2-ch, mastered on analog tape 1/2" 15ips stereo
basic material : flute motives, recordings of a cataract [2-8,10-17]
methods : numerical impuls synthesis [1,9,18] algorithmic composition
tools : NMS4
produced at the composers studio, Rastenberg, Austria
"... A travel developes that leads far beyond all accostumed. The illusion should not have been the wandering of Odysseus, but the fantastic experiences and views of a voyage that from time to time crossed the borders of the known world. The voyage ends in the head or maybe it starts there; confusingly the singing of the sirenes mixes with the rush of distant seas."
Excerpt from the cover text, Klaus Hollinetz 1992
[1] Monolog 1 1:56
[2] Episode 1a 2:19
[3] Idylle 1 1:38
[4] Abstieg 1:03
[5] Resonanz 1 2:19
[6] Episode 2a 1:43
[7] Idylle 2 3:21
[8] Episode 2b 2:07
[9] Monolog 2 2:19
[10] Idylle 3 1:21
[11] Episode 1b 5:06
[12] Resonanz 2 2:39
[13] Episode 3a 3:08
[14] Aufstieg 0:58
[15] Episode 3b 2:10
[16] 19/13/17 2:42
[17] Episode 4 6:37
[18] Monolog 3 2:14
total 45:40
booklet in German and English
with a cover foto by Martina Cizek